

Preview of my Dressing Room. Full tour to come [Coco] 

I have deliberated over creating a blog for far too long now. My Instagram (@MissEKWalker) has developed into blogger mode [Tagged posts of clothing, hundreds of hashtags and of course lots of #inspo]. 
A lot of people struggle to understand my Instagram as they fail to understand it is a snapshot of my life. I am not all about shoes and 'material' things - I just don't think posting photos of me hoovering is very interesting (so yes, there's more to my life than my Instagram shows). 
So... Ta DAH! A blog seems like the perfect solution. Everyone can now SMILE.

My first post will mostly consist of me introducing myself; if you have any questions please let me know. I will be honest and open. 

Loads of love - [💋]


  1. Please comment below some questions for my next blog post- 20 facts about me (may as well get it over with) [💋]

  2. Random but was your mum by any chance an art teacher?xx

  3. Hello very random but I found a purse outside my house today and there is a tesco club card inside with the name Miss E K Walker on it. It's a black top shop purse and was found in Widnes Cheshire. Just wondering if it's yours??
